
My organization does not call itself a community foundation, but we are a local grantmaker and community philanthropy organization and have raised funds from a variety of local sources. Can we apply for a grant?

We recognize that communities need not always be geographically defined and that, for example, women’s funds and environment funds – which are more interest-based – not only represent a form of ‘community’ but frequently also operate in the same ways as community foundation (developing a long-term asset base, building community philanthropy, making grants, etc). Applications from such institutions are welcome and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

In regions where the formal philanthropic sector as a whole is undeveloped, and where there may be only one or two community foundations, we would regard networking among and building linkages between different types of local grantmaking foundation – particularly in the areas of skills development and the overall strengthening of the sector – to be of strategic value.