Leadership and development 2.0
This paper forms part of a Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP) series on ‘defining key concepts.’ The idea is to take terms commonly used in development and elucidate their meaning.
This paper is based on webinar discussions held in July 2019 with participants representing development and philanthropy organizations. The paper is a sequel to an earlier paper published in March 2019 entitled ‘Leadership and development.’ The more recent discussions confirmed that ‘leadership’ has numerous definitions, qualities and principles that work differently in different contexts. They confirmed the proposition made in the first paper that leadership is not something that arises simply from an individual holding a certain position in an organization, for example Executive Director. Rather it’s about how people behave in the organization, and about the processes that build up everyone’s leadership in the organization and the community.
Published by: Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace
Published: February 2019
Download: ‘Leadership and development 2.0‘
Other titles in the PSJP Defining key concepts series include: Dignity and development, Measuring social change and Understanding sustainability.