Tamás Scsaurszki
Tamás Scsaurszki has worked in the civic sector for 30 years. His career started in Hungary, where he developed an interest in building up the sector’s infrastructure and the financing of NGOs. He then worked internationally on philanthropy development with large organizations such as the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (US), Sasakawa Peace Foundation (Japan), European Venture Philanthropy Association (Belgium) and Stefan Batory Foundation (Poland).
In 2008 Tamás returned to Hungary and focused on community philanthropy and supporting local leaders and civil society organizations. In 2011, with colleagues, he founded the Ferencváros Community Foundation – the first community foundation in the country. As the foundation became more established, in 2014 they set up the Roots and Wings Foundation with the ambition to bring about profound social change by supporting bottom-up community initiatives. Tamás stepped down as the Chair of the board of the Roots and Wings Foundation in January 2024 and is looking for new adventures.
Throughout his work, Tamás has been driven by the search for novelty and untrodden paths, the love of creative collaboration and the desire to create social value.